Premier Tax and Accounting Services for Businesses and Individuals

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They have helped me so much with my first company and have helped guide me to establish other corporations.

- James Manor

Services for Everyone

Always Focused on Growth of Clients

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Finance Management

Legal Advice

Tax Planning

What My Happy
Clients Say

Shawn Garcia
President @ Korpa Corp.

"They have helped me so much with my first company and have helped guide me to establish other corporations."

Savana Jones
President @ Korpa Corp.

"When it comes to taxes whether it's planning or returns, it gets personal and always multi-layered.  Melissa is someone that can see through the layers and speak from experience and confidence.    We looking forward to working with Melissa and would highly recommend her service and expertise.  Much appreciated!"


Best Service
Christina Love
President @ Korpa Corp.

"They have helped me so much with my first company and have helped guide me to establish other corporations."


Best Service

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